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Executive Summary

Executive Abstract

(or Alcamystrie for Dummies)

A story about a dickhead that is given the ultimate chance to become a star; in exchange he must become the shining example of what Humanity could be:


[The Grudge] We learn of our Protagonist’s formative years. We understand why he’s so fucked up (family, friends, abuse, neglect, drugs, alcohol, violence, the usual).

Act I:

Our drugged out, hopeless and tragically dreadlocked “hero” insults his formerly favorite band by loudly proclaiming they’ve “sold out” at the end of their concert. [Hooker with a Penis] Surprisingly, the lead singer, the Hierophant, and the band don’t like this foolish behavior. [Cold and Ugly] A vicious beat down by the fans in the mosh pit follows, but only after the Hierophant asks for a little help from Lucifer, his Master. [Reflection] Inches from death, the boy crawls into a nearby sewer to hide away. In his darkest hour he is illumined by the Moon, seen from a street drain. Beautiful Nuit, emerging from the Moon, tells the boy that there is someone that can help him. Lucifer descends from the Heavens, as called by the Hierophant, to take the boy under his wing. [Stinkfist] He will initiate the boy and help him ascend the Tree of Life to become the Ultimate Human. As if by magick, we are taken to Lucifer’s interdimensional castle of unimaginable delight and torture (which is perched atop an impossible precipice, over the dreaded Abyss). [Sober] All is revealed to the boy about Humanity’s real history, certain hidden truths about one INRI, the difference between religion and gnosis and why Lucifer seems to be a second class citizen.

Act II:

After the revelation of hidden knowledge, Lucifer proceeds with the initiation of the boy through the ultimate hazing. [Prison Sex, 4°, Flood] The initiate, at first unwittingly and unwillingly, is brought around through Experience to the ideal that intense pain can be a gateway to opening up the mind and body to higher levels of existence. Under the tutelage of Lucifer and Nuit, his initial experience of pain is transformed through ritual into Light that sparks every neuron in his body and mind. [H.] After this Experience, the boy is proclaimed to be a MAN, and this new man then understands that his transformation is his fate and accepts it. As an expression of his new commitment, he cuts off his dreadlocks and is shaven clean. The new man then accepts his charge from Lucifer: to go back to the Earth dimension as a transformed being to initiate a New Aeon of Humanity in which people are no longer limited by the Ones that created them. [Part of Me] The lesson of True Will expressed through the power of rock music is transferred, along with a wicked new guitar, to the new man by Luciferic guitar lessons. (And once you learn from the Master, the one that created the genre, you can instantly become a Rock Star, right? Well, that’s what happens to this new man in the time period between Act II and Act III.)


Act III:

Dutifully and faithfully the Luciferian initiate goes about accomplishing his task: within 4 years he has meteorically risen to one-named Rock Star status: he is now known only as Jimmy. [Lateralus, Jimmy] Through his songs, Jimmy has expressed the True Will of Rock, initiating the New Aeon with illumined lyrics and transformative music. However, even though he rocks the world nightly, something is missing. The world still seems the same as when he left it. The rock and roll lifestyle of drugs, alcohol, sex and black magic seems to be the only way he can remember the fantastic transformation he had experienced. [The Patient] He questions the ultimate metaphysical question: should I wait it out or just walk away? He decides to throw it all away and try to return to the place of his transformation. However, Lucifer and Nuit didn’t leave instructions on how to generate one of those handy InterDimensional portals, so Jimmy gathers up what is left of his Foolishness and quite a few psychotropic drugs to try to open up a portal chemically. With his mind now blooming psychotropically and through some not so well crafted ritual magick, he does open up a rift in TimeSpace. [Third Eye] The exact kind that ill-intending InterDimensional Beings (IDBs) love to squeeze through. These scum are the only ancient beings left that have a vestige of the knowledge and power that the Ancients had. If the Ancients were “God” to us, the IDBs were the “Angels” (second in command). The IDBs always hated humans because they were closer to “God” (genetically) than they were (that’s why the abduction/probing thing became a favorite pastime activity.) The ultimate goal of the IDBs is to take the Earth back and bring the humans back to subjugation. So Jimmy is a force to be eliminated – his success in accomplishing Lucifer’s plan to elevate humans to SuperHuman status will ruin the IDBs future vacation spot. And what better to terrorize your enemy than with the standard abduction and probing? So they hijack our hero and proceed with their fun. However, because of Jimmy’s chemically elevated state and his initiatory training, the probing stimulates his True Will, proving Jimmy to be a force that the IDBs are not prepared to deal with. [Lost Keys (Blame Hoffman)] They give up like the cowards they are and rip a hole in TimeSpace, booting Jimmy into the nearest Interstitial Care Unit dimension, but not before they make sure to pump him with even more psychotropics, turning him into Persistent Vegetative State Jimmy. Lucifer gets wind of the situation and shows up incognito to the ICU to ensure that his Wunderkind has the best care in the Multiverse. [Rosetta Stoned] But healthcare in other dimensions is just as shitty as in this one, so while the doctors and nurses puzzle over Jimmy’s situation, he’s totally freakin’ out, spouting tales of Aliens and being the Chosen One (a common occurrence in the ICU). We see through his vivid imagination his experience aboard the IDBs ship. We see that he was able to escape briefly into a com room where he was confronted by the presence known as Aiwass. Although Aiwass is an IDB, he is the leader of the resistance fight against the IDB arch evil plan, aligned with the humans in hope of them eventually assuming the mantle of the SuperHuman. Aiwass chooses humans of supreme Will and intellect to communicate the message of our true Fate. Unfortunately since Jimmy is completely wigged, he can’t exactly remember what Aiwass said, nor did he have any writing utensils to record said communicae.

Act IV:

Seeing that no progress can be made in this asylum for the insane, Lucifer checks Jimmy out of the ICU and transfers him to a local InterSpace Native American healing commune. [Lipan Conjuring] As the Healers begin to revive his critically damaged chakras, Jimmy gradually starts to regain consciousness. [Intension] The members of the commune dance and sing around the fire to get the positive energy fields flowing, while Lucifer explains a bit about human limitation. [Right In Two] It seems that after what some refer to as The Fall (Lucifer’s rebellion in liberating humans from slavery to the Ancients), some humans went mad with their newly found power and intellect. The Ancients and “Angels” (IDBs) were pissed at this outrageous behavior. So in order to disable them permanently, all the humans got a flaming sword of fire right between the eyes that effectively turned off what Lucifer had genetically enabled. The brain was divided against itself, rendering them incapable of being threats to their superiors. It is exactly the reversal of this physical transformation that Lucifer wills for Jimmy, who is now completely revived. Along with this Will, Lucifer gives Jimmy an ornately decorated ceremonial sword and dagger set, which will soon be put to good use. [Forty Six and Two] Jimmy again realizes that this is his Fate, accepts it and enables it through expression of his Will. However, he is not only physically transformed, but metaphysically. He is now able to see the manifestation of who he used to be (the dreadlocked boy) alongside of what he will become. Two beings are now visible: one the shadow, one the Eventual reality. Seeing this as the path of the evolution of Humanity, Lucifer renders another hole in TimeSpace to transport the two separate beings back to the castle, in front of the dreaded Abyss. Lucifer retires to his castle to let these two work things out. [Pushit (Live)] Realizing that he is the greater of the two, the Eventual takes possession of the sword and dagger and proceeds with the difficult task of “convincing” the shadow that it doesn’t deserve to exist anymore. After he slashes the throat of the shadow and casts it into the Abyss, the Eventual is overcome with an abject loneliness that threatens to consume him. In desperation, he calls out to the only familiar thing in this terrifying dimension: The Moon. Nuit responds from the Moon, consoling him. [i love her] She instructs him to call her with song, since that’s how things work around here, in order that she may be fully transfigured to Nuit. Once she is in full physical form, she explains that in order to create Union, to unite the divided brain and to reactivate the pineal, he must realize that Lucifer (and in turn, she) are components of his personality. These must be recognized, but still subjugated so that Union dominates, not them. But since Lucifer is very powerful and very stubborn, the Eventual is in need of an ultimate magickal weapon that matches Lucifer’s – the Voice of the Gods. Nuit will give this to him to allow him to create and control supersonic blast waves that can kill mortal – and if powerful enough, immortal – beings.

Act V:

[Jambi] Instructed by Nuit in the ways of defeating Lucifer, the Eventual proceeds to the precipice of the Abyss, where he calls the Spirit that created him with the guitar that was given to him, with the intent to destroy him and bind him to subservience. You can imagine the outrage of Lucifer. This is unprecedented, even though Lucifer innately knew that the path he created was going to end this way. Once he had served his purpose, he must then take the back seat. So the Eventual uses his tools to thusly dispatch Lucifer into the Abyss. Nuit had advised that the Eventual must also plunge into the Abyss. This clever wormhole has been around ever since this Universe was created. Its gravitational properties enable it to compress the divided energies into one united being – that is if the components of that being are strong enough to withstand the immensely infinite pressures. So why is the transformation of this one former dividual so important? Change has to occur at some singular point. He just happened to be there. But the symbolism of this tale can be applied to anyone. Anyone willing to believe. [Parabol]

Act VI:

[Parabola] Which is why Union, strong enough to make it through and emerging from the other side of the Abyss whole, tells all he can make his voice reach: “Spread the word! That you are indeed free! Unite your Selves and unite with all of Humanity. Feel every heart beating, breath flowing and thought streaming in the Net of Being!”

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